Faces from the Block featured at The New York Times
http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/08/17/a-south-bronx-graffiti-walkabout/?smid=fb-share&_r=1 By David Gonzalez Nowadays, any recent...

Final day of the project at Secret Walls! graffiti Battle Brazilian x Bronx !
Izolag and Ananda Nahu where invited by the south bronx graffiti legend Crash One to join on his team against Bio & Nicer ( TATs Cru )...

FACES FROM THE BLOCK featured at New York City Housing Authority Journal!
FACES FROM THE BLOCK featured at New York City Housing Authority Journal! http://www1.nyc.gov/assets/nycha/downloads/pdf/august-2015-engl...

FACES FROM THE BLOCK AT GOTHAMIST : Classic Photos Of Hip Hop's Birth In The Bronx, Reinterprete
Faces from the Block project was proud to be featured at Gothamist.com special thanks to Terri Ciccone for the interview!...

Faces From the Block: Brazilians Turn South Bronx Into Street Art Gallery
http://www.latinorebels.com/2015/08/16/faces-from-the-block-brazilians-turn-south-bronx-into-a-street-art-gallery/ If you’re a true New...